The May 21st issue, was the last issue to be solely published on a news paper note card, as Miss Echegaray found it easier to just publish "Headline Teasers" on the note card, followed by a URL link which directed readers to the then Word press New Babbage Cog Aethernet Newspaper blog site. The last published issue of The New Babbage Cog was on December 24th, 2007. Many months after that last issue, Miss Echegaray unfortunately decided to deactivate the Wordpress Blog site, and the contents of that site, became no longer available.
As of February 2009, Miss Echegaray began to resurrect all 22 issues of The New Babbage Cog, and has compiled all of them here on this archival blog site. Being some of the later issues had to be re-created again from scratch, only using information from the "Headline Teasers" on the note cards, if there are any errors of information, please let me know. In closing, as I used to formally say after my "Letter from the Editor" in the Cog,
The New Babbage Cog
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